山东钢铁集团有限公司(Shandong Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd.,600022.SH,简称“山东钢铁”)拟发行Reg S、发行规模5亿美元、3年期、息票率6.85%、收益率6.85%的高级无抵押债券,到期日为2022年9月25日。该债券将于9月25日(T+5)进行交割,并于香港交易所上市。

本次债券发行人为Shandong Iron and Steel Xinheng International Company Limited,由山东钢铁提供担保,募集资金将用于为担保人偿付其海外子公司的现有债务以及一般公司用途。




山东钢铁立足钢铁主业,致力于生产高端、高质、绿色、高效产品,主要钢材品种有中厚板、热轧板卷、冷轧板卷、H型钢、优特钢、热轧带肋钢筋等,广泛应用于汽车、石油、铁路、桥梁、建筑、电力、交通、机械、造船、轻工、家电等多个重要领域,远销美、英、德、印、日、韩等几十个国家和地区,已经成为全国著名的中厚板材生产基地和H型钢生产基地。借力”一带一路”,大力开拓国际市场,产品成功打入港珠澳大桥、亚马尔项目、AGPP等国内外重要工程。山东钢铁拥有1个国家认定企业技术中心、3个省级技 术中心、3个省级工程技术研究中心、2个省级实验室、3个国家认可质检中心、2个院士工作站和4个博士后科研工作站。



常德市城市建设投资集团有限公司(Changde Urban Construction and Investment Group Co., Ltd.,惠誉:BB+ 稳定),拟发行Reg S3年期、发行规模2亿美元的高级无抵押债券,息票率5.80%,收益率5.80%。该债券将于918(T+5)进行交割,并于香港交易所上市。



常德市城市建设投资集团有限公司于1998年成立,为市属国有中型企业。 截至20196月,集团总资产1270.78亿元,总负债440.30亿元,资产负债率34.65%





广西交通投资集团有限公司(Guangxi Communications Investment Group Corporation Ltd.,穆迪:Baa2 稳定,惠誉:BBB 稳定)拟发行Reg S、发行规模3亿美元、3年期、收益率3.70%的高级无抵押债券,到期日为2022917日。该债券将在917(T+5)进行交割,并于香港交易所上市。







On August 31, 2018, a total of US$110 million of offshore dollar bonds was successfully issued by the Tianjin Lingang Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. ("Linang Holdings"), and completed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The issuance is a senior unsecured bond with a proposed issuance of US$100 million, and an actual subscription of US$110 million with the coupon rate of 6.75%, which is oversubscribed by 10%. Central Wealth Securities Investment Limited serves as the delivery agent of this bond, and serves as the joint global coordinators with other institutions - DBS Bank, Wing Lung Bank and Dong Hing Securities (Hong Kong).

As a state-owned sole proprietorship company under the Management Committee of Tianjin Port Bonded Area, Lingang Holdings undertakes the key mission of investing in state-owned assets in Tianjin. With the asset scale of more than 90 billion yuan, and the stable development of its five main sectors,which areConstruction and Development, Park Operation, Public Utilities, Logistics, Commerce and Financial Services. Lingang Holdings obtained the AA+ subject rating issued by China Chengxin International Rating Company,together with the support from many financial institutions in China .Subject to the "de-leverage" macro policy, Sino-US trade war and other factors, domestic enterprises are generally struggling in financing under the current situation. In particular, due to fact that the recent US dollar against the RMB continues to be strong,the issuance of offshore dollar bonds becomes more and more difficult. However, under this kind of extremely severe situation the Lingang Holdings’ daring to issue offshore dollar bonds was due to Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone’s solid industrial foundation and strong government financial support,the Tianjin Port Bonded Area Management Committee’s full support and the company's management’s enterprising transformational thinking and effective reform measures.

The underwriting team and investors of this offshore dollar bond are composed of institutions with long-term cooperative relationships and other new team members engaged this year, indicating that Linang Holdings is higly recognized by the investors from the overseas bond market. Combined with the recent negative news for thelocal state-owned enterprises in Tianjin, the successful issuance of offshore dollar bonds is not only important for Lingang Holdings to stabilize overseas financing channels, but also it may become a key turning point to the local state-owned enterprises in Tianjin.